3 years ago, I was wondering what labor, delivery and being a mom would be about. The labor and delivery part, I knew, was going to be a breeze compared to the next 18 years. I remember hearing his heartbeat at all the appointments and seeing his profile in the ultrasounds and wondering what he would look like, how he would act and what dominant traits he would have. I would come home each night and lay on the couch and hook my Ipod earphones up to my belly and feel him kick and kick. I loved being pregnant and the bond that a mom and unborn baby share is undescribeable. I knew that I may could never be able to offer my child all the material things in the world, but I was, and still am, determined that my small child will make a big difference in the world.
On April 25th, 2006 at 6:21 p.m, my life totally changed. Benjamin James was born after 12 hours of labor and an emergency c-section. Even though, I was unable to see him for a little while after his birth, my love for him was obvious from the beginning. Never again, would I have to question how I possibly would be as a mother. I knew right then at that very moment that Ben came into the world, that I had never loved anything so much. I was determined to make him a happy life, even though at that time I was not sure what that would consist of.
Fast forward 3 years and rethink how I would shape and mold him. Let's look at how he has shaped and molded me. He reminds me everyday about the small things that matter and how laughter is the best medicine. The things that were important 3 or more years ago, now are just faded memories. The reason I do everything, the mere thing that gets me through the day, is all bottled up in one energetic 3 year old little boy. I want him to see the positive side in everything and to not take things seriously all the time. To know that no matter what, he has parents who will love him unconditionally. Even after a long, hard day just hearing him say "I love you mommy" makes everything ok.
The last 3 years have really flown by. He is so eager to show all that he has learned and to make everyone proud. He is so smart and so funny and I thank God every day that he allowed me to be Ben's mother.